Nov 13, 2016

Things to avoid immediately after a misunderstanding.

Have you ever had a misunderstanding with someone then you told another person about how the other man is 'all this and all that'

Some of us with the amount of anger boiling in us even unknowingly places a curse on the person whom we just had a misunderstanding with.  King Solomon in the Bible will say 'I have considered all these things and everything is vanity upon vanity'.

Things to do or avoid when you have just had a severe misunderstanding or a heated argument with someone...

1. Imagine what this other person's reason could have been then put yourself in their shoe, Will you react just like they just did? Sometimes, if we were in their shoes we would have acted worse than they did.

2. Be careful of what you say when you are still very angry to a 3rd party;  do you know that sometimes in the anger you tend to paint the story to suit you and forget the tiny details from you that really fuelled the fire from the other end.

3. If you can, leave the place and go take in some fresh air, the little quiet walk will help you calm down and likely replay the situation in you head while scanning for how you might have earned that reaction from the other end.

4. Finally, don't say anything during that period you are still having the misunderstanding that you will be ashamed to admit when the 'MIS' from the misunderstanding is removed.
Be rest assured that we cannot take back anything we have said. Even if we are forgiven, I bet you know how long it takes to forget.

Have a blessed day Y'all.


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